Radiant Self Therapy- Therapy in New York City, Brooklyn, and Fairfield County, Connecticut

therapy for highly sensitive women wanting to have better relationships


I help highly sensitive women stop feeling resentful and start reclaiming ease and authenticity in their relationships.

you’re ready to start feeling guilt-free, grounded, and authentic.

you’re ready to speak your mind without fear and connect deeply with your most important relationships.

But … how is that even possible?

You keep hearing this little voice that says “it’s not important”, “but they’ll be mad!”, “doing it myself is just easier”, “you’re not worth that”, and “what will they think of me!?”.

You want more for your life. You want to feel less overwhelmed, overworked, and burdened. You want to feel joy. You want a partner that looks you deeply in the eyes and says, “I love you, it’s going to be ok”.

You have a vision for your life that is comfortable, kinder, and more fulfilling, friends to laugh deeply with, a partner that takes care of you too, and easefully ask for that promotion without feeling guilty.

If you:

are stuck in a cycle of guilt and resentment within your relationship.

are a highly sensitive person (HSP) seeking a relationship with more connection and fun.

find yourself prioritizing the needs of others over your own.

need support moving through difficult emotions related to relationships, people-pleasing, and guilt .

✓ find yourself stuck and repeating old patterns in relationships that you don't understand.

wanting to make heart-centered decisions about your life, rather than fear-based ones.

want your relationship to feel lighter, easier, more fun.

✓ are seeking warmth and unconditional support from a therapist

Then… ::sigh of relief::

You Are In The Right Place!

It’s your one life… do you have a moment to waste?

Complete this form below for a free 20-minute consultation

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hi i’m kat

I’m a HSP who struggled with figuring out how my highly sensitive nature fit into my relationships. Understanding how my nervous system as a highly sensitive person interacted with my world and relationships allowed me to start living in alignment with my values and needs and profoundly reshaped my life to be much more full of love, ease, and joy. It’s also exactly why I want to help you to do the same thing. I have a decade of experience as a therapist helping people reclaim themselves and their needs, learn to communicate without fear, and lean into that which makes them happy.

click to read more about me