Individual Therapy

In individual therapy, you will work with a therapist one-on-one to identify your personal goals and how to reach them. Therapy offers a supportive, collaborative, non-judgemental space to work toward your inner alignment. Radiant Self Therapy offers an individualized experience to support your journey toward your most authentic self.

Why do people start individual therapy?

People seek therapy for a variety of reasons including anxiety, stress, depression, and grief. Some people seek therapy for support navigating a big life transition such as a move or change in relationship status. Others may seek therapy to learn how to better communicate their goals or boundaries. Still others need help defining what boundaries would be beneficial to them.

It is also common for people to seek therapy when they have a sense that something feels off, but they can’t quite identify what that is. Your therapist will work with you to clarify goals, values, and vision and to figure out how to live a life that makes you feel fulfilled.

What is holistic therapy?

At Radiant Self Therapy, we believe that an individualized experience is the most powerful way to achieve deep healing work. This means using a variety of methods including evidence-based and holistic.

A holistic approach considers the whole self: physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. In practice, this means looking beyond a diagnosis of symptoms and taking a person-centered approach to therapy. We welcome as your whole, unfiltered self into the room.

What other techniques can be used in individual therapy?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and breathwork assisted psychotherapy can be powerful techniques to explore in individual therapy. These specialized treatment modalities are a form of somatic therapy that stimulate self-healing. These modalities are different than what people typically imagine when they think about individual therapy because they don’t require talking in detail about the issues being addressed.

Ready to explore therapy in NYC?

Individual therapy sessions are typically 45 minutes long and occur on a weekly basis. Learn more about our therapists and contact us to schedule a free consultation call today!